Top 10 Best Items in WotLK Classic Phase 4

Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 4 is just around the corner, and with it comes a new set of best-in-slot (BiS) items. While there are many great items to choose from, some stand out above the rest. Here is a list of the top 10 best items in WotLK Classic Phase 4:

  1. Dislodged Foreign Object

This trinket is a must-have for pretty much every caster DPS in the game. It has a long proc time and a high amount of haste, which is essential for maximizing damage output. Can use WoTLK gold to get it.

  1. Shadow’s Edge

This weapon is a great option for players who are on their way to getting Shadowmourne. It has great stats and is easily obtainable from the first few bosses of Icecrown Citadel.

  1. 277 Item Level Cloaks

There will be five new 277 cloaks dropping in the heroic Icecrown Citadel. These cloaks will be a lot easier to get than the 272 ToC cloaks, and they will offer a significant boost to your stats.

  1. Althor’s Abacus

This trinket is the best healing trinket in the game. It has a high amount of spell power and a proc that can heal a nearby target.

  1. Tiny Abomination in a Jar

This trinket is a great option for melee DPS specs. It has a high amount of hit rating and is a product that can deal instant damage.

  1. Tier 10 Gear Sets

The new tier 10 gear sets will be a game-changer for almost every spec. They have amazing stats and powerful set bonuses.

  1. Phylactery of the Nameless Lich

This trinket is a great option for casters with reliable dot damage. It has a high amount of crit rating and is a product that can deal significant damage.

  1. Deathbringer’s Will

This trinket is a must-have for pretty much every melee DPS spec. It has a high amount of armor penetration and a powerful proc effect.

  1. 284 Weapons

The Lich King drops nine separate weapons in phase 4, all of which are very powerful. Some of the highlights include Laurana’s Star’s Edge, Zhar’s Fury, and Bloodsurge.

  1. Shadowmourne

Shadowmourne is the best weapon in the game and is a must-have for any serious melee DPS player. It has amazing stats and a powerful proc effect.

These are just a few of the many great items that will be available in WotLK Classic Phase 4. With so many great options to choose from, there is something for everyone.

Additional Notes

• While Shadowmourne is the best weapon in the game, it is also the most difficult to obtain. It requires a long quest chain and a lot of materials.
• If you are not able to get Shadowmourne, the 284 weapons are a great alternative.
• The tier 10 gear sets are also very important, and you should prioritize getting them as soon as possible.
• The other items on this list are all great, but they are not essential. You can still be successful without them.

I hope this list helps you to decide what items to focus on in WotLK Classic Phase 4. For more guides and all the latest news about WoW WoTLK Classic, check out MMOexp. Can also enjoy buying cheap WoW WoTLK Gold service here. Good luck!