Maximizing Your Gold: A Guide to Efficient Spending in Last Epoch

In the world of Last Epoch, accumulating vast amounts of gold is a common occurrence for seasoned adventurers. However, knowing how to effectively spend this wealth can often be a perplexing task. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into one of the most lucrative ways to invest your Last Epoch gold: the Lightless Arbor. We’ll explore what the Lightless Arbor is, how to access it, and why it’s a top choice for maximizing the value of your hard-earned currency.

Understanding the Lightless Arbor:

The Lightless Arbor is a unique feature within Last Epoch that offers substantial rewards for those brave enough to venture into its depths. Accessible through keys obtained primarily from monoliths, this mysterious location presents an intriguing challenge for adventurers at any level. Its mechanics, reminiscent of other ARPGs like Path of Exile’s Delve, revolve around the concept of illumination. Within the light, players deal and receive base damage, while in darkness, both damage dealt and taken are reduced, making enemies seemingly invincible.

The key mechanic of the Lightless Arbor revolves around maintaining illumination, achieved through a movable light source that players must strategically position to maintain their advantage. Though it may seem cumbersome to manage, the rewards far outweigh the effort, making it a prime destination for those seeking to make the most of their gold reserves.

Navigating the Lightless Arbor:

Upon obtaining a Lightless Arbor key, adventurers can access this enigmatic realm via a waypoint accessible during the campaign. Once inside, players must navigate through a series of challenges, all while ensuring their illumination remains intact. The ultimate goal lies in reaching the end of the arbor, where lucrative rewards await.

The journey through the Lightless Arbor is fraught with peril, from environmental hazards to formidable foes. However, with strategic positioning and careful resource management, adventurers can overcome these obstacles and reap the rewards that await them.

Boss Encounters and Loot:

One of the highlights of the Lightless Arbor is its challenging boss encounters, which put players’ skills and strategies to the test. These encounters often require players to contend with various mechanics while maintaining their illumination, adding an extra layer of complexity to the battles.

Upon defeating the final boss, players are rewarded with access to the Vault, where a plethora of riches awaits. From powerful runes and glyphs to coveted exalted items, the Vault offers a treasure trove of rewards that make the journey through the Lightless Arbor well worth the investment.

Optimizing Your Gold:

With the potential for substantial returns, investing your gold in the Lightless Arbor is undoubtedly one of the most efficient ways to maximize its value in Last Epoch. By prioritizing this method of spending, adventurers can significantly enhance their gear and improve their chances of success in other aspects of the game.


In conclusion, the Lightless Arbor stands as a testament to the wealth of content and opportunities available within Last Epoch. By mastering its mechanics and investing your gold wisely, you can unlock a world of riches and empower your character to face even greater challenges. So, the next time you find yourself swimming in gold, remember to venture into the depths of the Lightless Arbor and claim the rewards that await you. Happy adventuring!