Elevating the BG Experience: A Call for Premade vs. Premade Battles

As an enthusiast who genuinely enjoys engaging in Battlegrounds (BGs) for the sheer pleasure of playing them, envisioning a scenario where premades face off against each other exclusively in Warsong Gulch (WSG) and Arathi Basin sparks a sense of anticipation. The prospect becomes even more enticing when considering the incorporation of additional incentives to maintain a vibrant and competitive premade player pool.

From my perspective, the chaos of pug vs. pug encounters often leads to an unstructured and unpredictable mess, inevitably snowballing in one direction. It raises the question of whether the effort invested in such encounters is truly worthwhile, especially when World PvP presents a comparable alternative. However, the disparity intensifies when premades clash with pugs, resulting in a lopsided contest that can be disheartening for the solo player experience.

To echo sentiments shared in previous discussions, a separate queue for premades emerges as a reasonable solution. The objective is not to vilify premades but rather to acknowledge the mismatch in skill and coordination between premade and pug groups, creating an environment that caters to both playstyles.

The critical question that follows is where to draw the line concerning queuing with friends. The dilemma arises when considering parties of three in pug matches. A well-coordinated trio, armed with the right composition and strategic plan, can effortlessly dominate the majority of opposition in pug playlists. This raises concerns about fairness and the potential for creating imbalanced encounters within the current queuing system.

One proposed solution suggests that the privilege of queuing with friends may be restricted, barring the inclusion of a full party of ten. This approach would ensure a level playing field and minimize the potential for organized groups to exert disproportionate influence over the outcome of matches. While it may seem restrictive at first glance, this adjustment aims to preserve the integrity of both pug and premade experiences, providing a compromise that accommodates different player preferences.

In essence, the appeal lies in fostering an environment where BGs become a realm of strategy, skill, and fair competition. By segregating premades from pug matches, each group can revel in battles that align with their preferred playstyles. This separation aims to enhance the overall BG experience for everyone involved, catering to those who relish the unpredictable nature of solo play and those who thrive on the coordinated teamwork synonymous with premade encounters.

It is crucial to recognize that the intent is not to cast premades as the primary problem but rather to acknowledge the distinctive challenges and dynamics they bring to the BG landscape. By delineating queues and refining the criteria for queuing with friends, the proposal seeks to strike a balance that satisfies the diverse player base while promoting a sense of accomplishment and enjoyment in every BG engagement.

As the community continues to voice its concerns and preferences, the prospect of a dedicated premade vs. premade queue beckons as a step toward refining the BG experience in World of Warcraft Classic. With thoughtful adjustments and a commitment to inclusivity, the battlegrounds can become a dynamic and enjoyable arena for players of all preferences and playstyles.

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